The beast is back and her venom is deadlier than ever. When newcomer Lola is welcomed into Medusa's circle, she endures a ritual to bring her closer to her new sisters.
Trisha, a transgender woman who makes a living as a beauty contestant, dies unexpectedly. Before she died, her one last wish was to remain beautiful even in death. This moving work, filled with laughs, is the latest effort by Jun Robles Lana.
经历了紧张刺激的伦敦大战,多米尼克·托雷托(范·迪塞尔 Vin Diesel 饰)和他的伙伴们重新回归平静的生活,但是江湖的恩恩怨怨却决不允许他们轻易抽身而去。棘手的死对头欧文·肖瘫在医院,不得动弹,他的哥哥戴克·肖(杰森·斯坦森 Jason Stantham 饰)则发誓要为弟弟复仇。戴克曾是英国特种部队的王牌杀手,不仅身怀绝技,而且心狠手辣。他干掉了远在东京的韩,还几乎把探长卢克·霍布斯(道恩·强森 Dwayne Johnson 饰)送到另一个世界,甚至多米尼克那世外桃源般的家也被对方炸毁。