Scientists re-discover the Creature. The Creature discovers lust. The Creature from The Black Lagoon (1954) is back, and this time he's shipped to Marineland in north Florida for study. While in the aquarium, he spies the love of his life. Na
阿森(郑伊健 饰)和小岚(周秀娜 饰)相恋8年,而他们用以维系感情的方法只得两个字——分手。每当小岚以分手作要胁时,阿森都会变成一条死狗去求和,令小岚更加得寸进尺。当他们经历了99次分手后,二人终于认定了彼此,因而许下不能再轻易分手的承诺,更决意要一起为未来打拼,自己当老板,合力经营咖啡店。
一众猪朋狗友如茶餐厅太子女瑞哥(王菀之 饰)、阿森的小学同学飞云(何浩鹏 饰)及咖啡店员4大Boy (C All Star 饰)等人不但见证着咖啡店的成长,同时亦目击营运咖啡店对阿森和小岚这对小情侣所造成的冲击。尤
The world at an end, a young boy's dying mother sends him on a quest to find the place that grants wishes. The Last Boy is a Sci Fi drama inspired by the Poetry of the 13th Century Sufi Mystic and Poet Rumi.