In 1960 Germany, Army lawyer Major Steve Garrett is assigned to defend four American soldiers charged with raping 16 year-old Karin Steinhof. She was swimming in a nearby river when the four of them came across her and they were soon arrested thereafter.
电视动画《爆钓 Bar Hunter》中,非常喜欢钓鱼的主人公立津手トッタ由广桥凉配音,主人公的搭档ポテペン由内山夕实配音,主人公的竞争对手鲛岛キバ由斋贺光希配音,从碳酸饮料的条形码中出现的条形码之魂シュワ次郎由根本幸多配音。此外,电视动画的系列监督濑藤健嗣担当,系列构成由加藤阳一负责,角色设计由横田明美负责,音乐由若林タカツグ负责,动画由东映动画制作。
Photon solar energy group is aiming to build a solar farm in Danebury. Blissfully unaware of the plan Andy and Lance are still looking for buried treasure - construction worker Andy, with Becky and their baby living with disapproving mother-in-law Veronic