The film tells the story of vaudeville performers in San Francisco, during the period of the 1915 Panama Pacific Exposition when Alexander Graham Bell made the first transcontinental phone call from New York City to San Francisco. The movie introduced the
故事发生在第二次世界大战期间,为了躲避战火,坚强的母亲塞西拉(索菲娅·罗兰 Sophia Loren 饰)带着13岁的女儿罗塞塔(艾伦诺拉·布朗 Eleonora Brown 饰)离开了他们的故乡罗马,暂时来到地处偏远的小镇西赛罗定居。在这里,塞西拉结识了准备成为医生的小伙子米凯尔(让-保罗·贝尔蒙多 Jean Paul Belmondo 饰)。
This is a great film about the adventurous story of a young boy and his dream for his own red-bone coonhound hunting dogs. Set in the Ozark Mountains during the Great Depression, Billy Coleman works hard and saves his earnings for two years to achieve his