社区大学“格林德尔”迎来了新学期,由Jeff(乔尔·麦克哈尔 Joel McHale 饰)领导的七人学习小组一同选修了生物课,却因为选课限制,小组成员之一的Pierce被排除在外,这件事很快就引起了小组的分化危机。然而等着他们七人的是更大的危机:格林德尔学院的经费被切断,学校陷入了一贫如洗的境地。为了节约经费,院长让疑似患有精神病的昌担任保安,埋下了一颗危险的炸弹。
1. Everything Is Bonzer!
Air date: Sep 27, 2018
Michael intervenes in the near-death accidents of Eleanor, Chidi, Tahani and Jason on Earth, in hopes that a second chance at life allows them to become better versions of themselves. The Season 3 p
A famous magician does the ultimate disappearing xiaokan.cc act and vanishes into thin air. All of London is talking about the mystery and Eliza is hired by a newspaper to investigate, despite the fact that Duke is already on the case.