五彩斑斓、光怪陆离、人声鼎沸的拉斯维加斯赌城中央,黑头发、黄皮肤的女孩Wow(张静初 饰)站在赌桌的后方,面带笑容协助赌客们进行人生的大小赌博。与此同时,留着长发闲散自在的青年(罗伯特·斯沃兹曼 Robert Schwartzman 饰)踱入赌场,他坐在Wow的桌前,幽默风趣,故作愚笨,逗乐了这个来自东方的女孩。几分钟后,他约对方外出喝酒,Wow欣然同意。夜幕降临,华灯初上,一男一女坐在酒吧的角落了喝酒聊天,可是好景不长,青年的债主找上门来,将其拉到门外揍了一顿。久等半天,Wow结账出来,将负伤的青年带回
We follow a squad of American paratroopers as they struggle to carry out a mission only one of them knows the real reason for undertaking. As tensions become heightened in the heat of battle, can you depend on the guy next to you, or is he not what he app