蒂娜(玛利亚里普蒂娜 Mariya Lipkina 饰)生下了她和男友的孩子,但这枚爱情的结晶却并没有让她感受到任何的欣喜,她根本就没有做好任何的准备去成为一名母亲。在绝望之中,蒂娜想到了死,她决定通过煤气来杀死自己和自己不受祝福的孩子,幸运的是,在紧要关头,蒂娜的男友发现了她这可怕的举动,挽救了两条性命。
12岁的小男孩特桑纳(乌洛斯•米洛瓦诺维奇 Uros Milovanovic 饰)和酷爱发明创造的爷爷(亚力克斯桑德•贝奇科 Aleksandar Bercek 饰)生活在贝尔格莱德一个偏远的田园乡村中。
某天,爷爷将特桑纳叫到身边,希望孙子在他死之前完成三个愿望:1)去城里将家中的奶牛切维特卡卖掉;2)用得来的钱买一幅圣尼古拉的画像;3)娶回一个妻子。懵懵懂懂又土了土气的特桑纳就这样进城了。他先是被坏蛋抢走奶牛,接着又邂逅了美丽的女中学生嘉斯娜(玛利亚•佩托尼杰维奇 Marija Petronijevi
John Day is a bank manager and lives with his wife Maria Day. The couple has recently lost their only daughter. Maria is always depressed and never opens up with anyone. One day when John is away for office work, a courier-boy enters the house and takes M
I am awestruck by this movie. Fast zombies that can use weapons, even guns, and are capable of intelligent thought. They plot a strategic offensive to take over the city, hitting the airport, then the TV stations and the power plant. If you love horror, g