底特律是世界闻名的汽车城,这里的机械工业已经到了出神入化的地步。墨菲(彼得•威勒 Peter Weller 饰)是底特律的一个普通警察,既没有非凡身手、也没有高超技术。一次,他执行任务时被一伙暴徒暴打致死,从此他的人生轨迹改变了。 底特律的科学家没能救活他的身体,却能将他的头脑和机械完美地合二为一。墨菲成了一个有着人类头脑和机械身体的机械警察!身上配备了各种武器、能应付
Pedro goes out searching for a girl, but the night doesn't seem to be good. While he is talking with a friend, he sees Sara breaking up with a boy. He goes after her, and they end up sleeping in his house. Time goes by and they continue toget