四位驻伊美军士兵接到了回国的调令,然而,一次恐怖性炸弹袭击,改变了他们的命运。军用卡车司机凡妮莎(杰西卡•贝尔 Jessica Biel 饰)被炸成重伤,军医威尔(塞缪尔•杰克逊 Samuel L. Jackson 饰)负责救治,结果不幸截肢。贾马尔(50美分 50 Cent 饰)误杀了伊拉克妇女,从此存下心结。汤米(布莱恩•普莱斯列 Brian Presley 饰)亲眼目睹了战友阵亡,悲痛欲绝。四个人回国后,凡妮莎在校园做体育老师,但是配搭的假肢让她黯然神伤。威尔的妻子发现丈夫的情绪总是失控,而叛逆的儿
Angie, Greta, Zari and Chris love their job at the Schlikker branch in Berlin-Moabit. But the company is threatened with collapse - an incentive for the four very different women to fight for their jobs with overtime and wage cuts. Nevertheless, Schlikker
这是一个在军政府统治时期的土耳其发生的悲剧故事。一位被判死刑的检察官 Yusuf 在牢中认识了被冤入狱的村民 Bayram,蒙受 Yusuf 的保护和关怀的 Bayram 却突然面临了一个痛苦的选择... 悲剧为这段短暂的友谊画上了句号...
The story is set in a period when the country is ruled by a military government. Public prosecutor Yusuf and co