莫里森一家四口搬到了澳洲一个小镇。父亲西蒙(艾瑞克•汤马森 Erik Thomson饰)是当地驻军军官,母亲玛吉(托妮•柯利特 Toni Collette 饰)怀孕待产,大儿子查理(卢克•福特 Luke Ford 饰)患有自闭症,表现为语言障碍学习障碍,无法与人正常交往,小儿子托马斯(瑞斯•维克菲尔德 Rhys Wakefieled 饰)进入新的学校,在游泳救生员课上认识了美丽的女同学杰姬(吉玛•沃德 Gemma Ward 饰)。托马斯不愿让同学们知道自己有个不正常的哥哥,但没想到杰姬对查理竟能毫不介意。
A poetic journey from the darkness of early dawn into the brightness of the midday sun in the American South.
Filmed entirely on the number 16 bus route in Durham, North Carolina over the course of six months, Sun Song
is a celebration of light and a medi