【布偶大追缉】的故事则是关于一场珠宝大窃案,本故事中主角 Kermit 和伙伴 Fozzie 是报社的记者,被报社派去英国伦敦采访一位知名的时尚设计师 Lady Holiday ,Kermit 还爱上了设计师的助理秘书 Miss Piggy,不料这时却发生窃案,设计师的名贵珠宝不翼而飞,而且 Miss Piggy 被陷害成为嫌犯,为了要洗刷 Miss Piggy 的冤屈,Kermit 和他的布偶伙伴们于是展开一场追缉珠宝窃贼的大冒险。
【布偶大追缉】(The Great Muppet Caper)是 Ji
Chris is a dancer dying of AIDS. He has chosen euthanasia to end his suffering. With the assistance of his lover Val and his doctor, he surrounds himself in his last hours with everything that made his life special and creates his ultimate work of art by