阿尔文(汤姆·赫兰德 Tom Holland 饰)出生在一个非常虔诚的基督教家庭之中,父亲威拉德(比尔·斯卡斯加德 Bill Skarsgård 饰)虽然沉默和严厉,但非常的爱自己的孩子,从阿尔文很小的时候起,父亲就教导他要将内心的一切想法都坦露给耶稣。
虽然威拉德一生敬主,可是主却并没有善待他。威拉德的妻子患上了不治之症,无论威拉德怎样的祈祷,她最终还是撒手人寰,信仰破灭的威拉德选择了自杀,阿尔文沦为孤儿,被奶奶一家人收留了。在奶奶家,阿尔文遇见了同样是孤儿的雷诺拉(伊莱扎·斯坎伦 Eliza Scan
This is story about a dentist with the talent of painlessly extracting teeth, and what happens to him as a result of being naturally good at his job. It is told with humour , poignancy, and a frequent breaking of the 4th wall between the movie and the aud
Sheila Bennet returns to New York from Cuba carrying $40,000 worth of smuggled diamonds - and smallpox, which could start a devastating epidemic in the unprotected city. Treasury agent Johnson loses her but keeps doggedly on the trail, while Public Health