Sheila Bennet returns to New York from Cuba carrying $40,000 worth of smuggled diamonds - and smallpox, which could start a devastating epidemic in the unprotected city. Treasury agent Johnson loses her but keeps doggedly on the trail, while Public Health
At 2 Ela lost her ability of seeing and hearing because of a severe illness. And then she became a total disappointment of her family due to her untamed behaviors. But everything changed after an unorthodox teacher stepped into their lives to educate Ela
A biography of the dancer Isadora Duncan, the 1920s dancer who forever changed people's ideas of ballet. Her nude, semi-nude, and pro-Soviet dance projects as well as her attitudes on free love, debt, dress, and lifestyle shocked the public o
Filmin süjetini iki sözlə belə ifadə etmək olar: kinoda ölüm. Mövzuya gəldikdə isə o belədir: kinodan ölüm. Filmin ideyası: kinonun ölümü
Filmin mövzusu təsadüfən yaranmayıb. Bu, rejissorun indiyə kimi kino haqqında, mədəniyyət haqqında olan düşüncələrəni