Joe Spencer, a member of a motorcycle gang, is taking a shower. After his bout with personal hygiene, Joe encounters Andy Warhol's "superstars," who engage him in conversation. The superstars crack jokes he doesn&
Dick and Mandy, a young working class couple, move into a council house in Canterbury, and find Mr. Butcher, one of their former teachers, living next door. Mandy's unmarried sister, Gloria, is constantly dropping in, and will not take any hi
Camila Sepulveda has been unemployed for over a year. Now she is trying to get a job as a secretary. Through six chapters and brief interviews we will find out what this long unemployment time has meant to her. Everywhere Camila goes for a job interview、s
芝加哥发生了一桩震惊全城的恐怖血案。当地一间教堂的主教罗森惨遭杀害,身上被刻上神秘数字,警方逮捕了当时在场身染血迹的犯罪嫌疑人阿伦( Edward Norton 饰)。马丁(理查•基尔 Richard Gere 饰)作为阿伦的辩护律师,和他的前女友检控官珍妮特较上了劲。 马丁并不在乎事实,他为阿伦辩护的唯一目的就是要赢得官司,让自己一战成名。而珍妮特作为正义的代表当然寸
居住洛杉矶的亚当(约翰·库萨克 John Cusack 饰)刚被女友甩掉,他的单亲侄子雅各布(克拉克·杜克 Clark Duke 饰)一天到晚沉迷于电子游戏,赖在他家的地下室不走。亚当的老朋友尼克(克雷格·罗宾逊 Craig Robinson 饰)是个“妻管严”,工作亦不顺心;而另一位旧友卢(罗伯·考德瑞 Rob Corddry 饰)则酗酒无度,自杀未遂被送进医院。为了开导卢,亚当与尼克决定邀卢重游科迪亚克谷滑雪度假村,雅各布也同行。四人入住当年的酒店房间,在露台上的温泉浴盆里又喝又唱。次日宿醉醒来,却发