Family court judge Clémence lives with Gabriel, who she is very much in love with. However, she is jealous and suspects him of cheating on her. One day, she decides to put his faithfulness to the test during a trip to the Reunion.
奈莉(艾曼纽·贝阿 Emmanuelle Béart 饰)和男友相恋多年,死心塌地的想要和这个男人携手步入婚姻的殿堂。然而男友实为好吃懒做之人,为了维持生计,奈莉不得不奔波在街头,靠着打零工的收入养家,心中不免充满了愤恨。
一次偶然中,奈莉结识了名为阿尔诺(米歇尔·塞罗 Michel Serrault 饰)的男子,阿尔诺是一名德高望重的法官,两人相谈甚欢。阿尔诺聘用了奈莉,任命她为自己的私人助理,给与其丰厚的报酬,奈莉更是因此邂逅了风流潇洒的出版商文森特(让·雨果·安格拉德 Jean-Hugues Ang