In 1860 Paris, chemist Louis Pasteur is considered a quack within the medical community for advocating that doctors and surgeons wash their hands and boil their instruments to destroy microbes that can kill their patients. He came across this belief when
因为工作,外科医生理查德(哈里森·福特 Harrison Ford 饰)携爱妻桑德拉(贝蒂·巴克利 Betty Buckley 饰)来到了巴黎。理查德和桑德拉简直能够被称为一对模范夫妻了,他们的爱情持久而热烈,彼此之间始终忠贞不二,在两人刚刚结婚的时候,他们便选择了巴黎作为度蜜月的地点,如今旧地重游,两人分享着幸福而快乐的时光。
一场意外的发生犹如一盆冷水浇在了理查德的头上,桑德拉失踪了。桑德拉的失踪让理查德不知身处梦境还是现实,追随着唯一的线索,他寻找到了一个名叫米歇尔(艾玛纽尔·塞尼耶 Emmanue
When cousins Ted and Fred Boynton hit Barcelona, the sexiest city in the world, the possibilities – and the beautiful girls – are endless. But without warning, international intrigue interrupts the pair's romantic pursuits... and what follow
When Alan Howard, a young Englishman, arrives in Kenya to visit his older brother on his farm he finds the latter has been brutally murdered by the Mau Mau. He decides to go on exploiting the farm and to fight the rebels with all his energy. He falls in l