15-year old Fatou and her friends Betty and Kim are looking for love but confusing it with sex. One night after a striptease game with a group of boys Fatou is raped. Afterwards she denies it ever happened, even to herself. But one day the truth catches u
After a late-night cup of coffee, vaudevillians Jo Hayden and Harry Palmer sit at a piano and work a song. Moments later, Jo realises she's found exactly what she wasn't looking for: a partner. And with Judy Garland as Jo and Gen
土耳其文简介:Leyla başından geçen bir ayrılık sonrası baba evine dönmüştür. Kalbi kırıktır ve çocukluğundan beri sorunlu bir ilişkileri olan babası Selim ile aralarındaki sorunları çözmeye çalışmaktadırlar. İskender ise küçük yaşlardan beri şanssız bir hayat ya
The story focuses on a first-year student secretly in love with a man until one day he has the opportunity to get close to him