Facing a bleak future, a young man runs away to Mexico where he is recruited by the mysterious captain of a paramilitary group of teens who fight drug cartels. Isolated at their desert camp and unsure what he's fighting for, he seeks to prove
When seventeen year old Hannah stumbles upon a website about Thinspiration- an online community devoted to anorexia as a life choice - she becomes an obsessive follower of the site founder, ButterflyAna. By the time Hannah's family realizes w
An American group of exchange students come to Paris to study the language and culture for a year. The film depicts the various interactions between the students and the instructors, including the pretty female director of the institute where they are enr
比尔(罗伯特·瑞安 Robert Ryan 饰)是一名职业拳击手,他和女友朱莉(奥黛丽·托特 Audrey Totter 饰)之间的感情十分要好,朱莉是他在比赛中的精神支柱。时常生活在窘困之中的比尔好胜心非常的强,因为输掉比赛意味着他将颗粒无收,所以他必须赢。
在一场比赛中,比尔的对手是名为奈尔森(哈尔·贝勒 Hal Baylor 饰)的强壮男子,在比赛之前,教练告诉比尔,这是一场被黑道操纵的比赛,在擂台上,比尔必须认输。然而,在激烈的比赛之中,处于劣势的比尔不愿屈服与黑帮的强权,最终靠着惊人的实力达到了