动视暴雪是全球数一数二的游戏公司,旗下热门、经典游戏很多,比如《使命召唤》(Call of Duty)、《宝贝龙冒险》(Skylanders)、《暗黑破坏神》(Diablo)、《炉石传说》(Hearthstone)以及《星际争霸》(StarCraft)等等。动视暴雪影业的使命就是将这些暴雪的优质IP(知识产权)改编成原创的影视作品。
动视暴雪影业一个正在筹备的项目就是《使命召唤》(Call of Duty)电影,这部电影根据暴雪最受欢迎的第一人称战争射击游戏改编,如果电影成功的话还将考虑开发同名电视剧。
Jiro, an ex-convict, comes back to the street after eight years. The gang to which he belonged is nearly disbanded; only the aging boss in his sick bed remains. Still loyal to the ex-boss, Jiro approaches the powerful Hasama family to ask for assistance.