故事发生在一艘名为“邦迪号”的军舰上,舰长威廉(查尔斯·劳顿 Charles Laughton 饰)是行业内数一数二的航海专家,但这并不意味着他是一个好人。航行在茫茫的大海上,一艘军舰就是一个国家,作为一国之主,威廉不惜使用着各种残酷而又暴力的手段,为的只是巩固他作为“国王”的地位和权威。
对于舰长所执行的暴政,年轻的士官拜姆(法兰奇·汤恩 Franchot Tone 饰)和大副克里斯(克拉克·盖博 Clark Gable 饰)感到十分的不满,在长久的压抑下,起义爆发了,在两人的带领下,水手们制服了威廉和
故事发生在法国大革命期间,来自英国伦敦的律师西德尼(罗纳德·考尔曼 Ronald Colman 饰)爱上了名为露西(伊丽莎白·艾兰 Elizabeth Allan 饰)的美丽女子,然而露西早已经有了心上人,没过多久,她便和法国贵族青年查尔斯(唐纳德·伍兹 Donald Woods 饰)结为夫妻。西德尼将对露西的感情深深埋藏在心底,由衷的祝福了这对新人。
Released in France as La Kermesse Heroique, Carnival in Flanders is set during the long-ago war between the Dutch and Spanish. A tiny village in Flanders is invaded by Spanish troops. The townsfolk have heard of Spanish cruelties in other towns, and decid
Jonathan Street is a struggling composer when he meets and marries Annette. The problem is that Jonathan was drunk and does not want to be married. Annette does go with him to Paris and does the cooking and cleaning. To get his music published, Annette ta
Franz Roberti is a famous orchestra conductor who has a number of girlfriends. While talking with his old music teacher, Professor Thalma, he meets Constance, an aspiring music composer. They see each other, fall in love and marry. They honeymoon all over