MK and his family immigrated to USA, but all of their family left the country and left him alone. After all, he was led to a Korean homeless shelter, and he receives the help of a pastor. One day MK witnesses people from the shelter along with his father.
中年男子A(威廉·达福 Willem Dafoe 饰)是一个希腊裔的美国导演,他正在拍摄一部关于父母辈爱情的史诗电影:1953年,在苏联政治避难的希腊女子艾蕾妮(Irène Jacob 饰)邂逅失散多年的恋人斯拜罗斯(Michel Piccoli 饰)。他们旧情复燃,一夕恩爱过后却被迫天各一方。斯拜罗斯遭遇牢狱之灾,艾蕾妮则被流放西伯利亚,不久她生下爱人的孩子,然而最终不得不和孩子分离。她思恋着远方的爱人,而犹太人雅各布·列维(Bruno Ganz 饰)则对她情意专属。在剧烈动荡的时代背景下,这三个痴情男