故事发生在新奥尔良市,布莱基因(杰克·帕兰斯 Jack Palance 饰)是一个不学无术游手好闲的小混混,他和一个名叫查卡的非法移民之间产生了一些经济纠纷,于是便找来了好友,将查卡杀死了。查卡的尸体被发现后,被送往公共卫生局进行解剖,负责解剖的克林特医生(理查德·威德马克 Richard Widmark 饰)震惊的发现,查卡患有会传染的瘟疫,这也就意味着,凡是和查卡接触过的人,都有患病的可能。
Olivia Thirlby is the eye at the centre of a very sexy storm in this warm, hysterically funny dramedy. When her young filmmaker breezes into town, she comes riding a wave of effortless sexiness, which carries her through a net of passions-gone-wild as men
Musikanten è un film del 2005 per la regia di Franco Battiato sulla vita del compositore tedesco Ludwig van Beethoven. È il secondo lavoro di Battiato come regista. È stato presentato nella categoria Orizzonti alla 62ª Mostra internazionale d&#039
Cuore di cane (German: Warum bellt Herr Bobikow?, International title - Dog's Heart) is a 1976 joint Italian-German film directed by Alberto Lattuada based on a novel by Mikhail Bulgakov adapted by Mario Gallo. Screenplay by Alberto Lattuada
Psychological drama about a young, inexperienced film reviewer who falls for the charms of a well-established female colleague. A challenging look at the essence of film critique as well as an erotic encounter between two unequals