Set in Nigeria, Oloture is the story of a young, naive Nigerian journalist who goes undercover to expose the shady underworld of human trafficking. Unused to this brutal environment, crawling with ruthless traders and pimps, Oloture finds warmth and frien
Fog and his friends have a journey of non-stop excitement ahead of them as they traverse dinosaurs, volcanoes, and who knows what else as they journey to the center of the Earth. ~ Cammila Albertson, All Movie Guide
位于中东沙漠的输油管道旁边出现了一个形状奇怪的机器人,实际上,这个看似像是一只蜘蛛的东西,是一台走地型无人机。在遥远的美国的那一段,有一个名叫戈登(乔·科尔 Joe Cole 饰)的男人正在通过这台无人机观测着彼岸的一举一动。
一次偶然中,无人机捕捉到了一个美丽姑娘的身影。这个姑娘名叫艾约莎(Lina El Arabi 饰),是一个出生成长在传统中东家庭的女孩。在父母的安排之下,已经到了嫁人的年纪的艾约莎被许配给了一个她并不喜欢的中年男人,这令艾约莎感到非常的痛苦,但又无力反抗。戈登被艾约莎深深的吸引了,