John Leguizamo's semi-falsified, one-man stand-up performance as...himself. This is his autobiographical story, about his life growing up, and his journey to try to be accepted by his father. We see this story through a bizarre myriad of char
An enigmatic stranger, a couple who no longer exist, danger in the shadows and the key to it all - The new Ford Edge. Mads Mikkelsen and screen legend Barbara Steele star alongside the new Ford Edge in LE FANTÔME.
菲利普教授(罗宾·威廉姆斯 Robin Williams 饰)对研究工作的痴迷就像瘾君子沉溺毒品般,终日为了研究忙得不可开交,甚至因此已经错过了自己的两次结婚典礼。眼下第三次大婚的钟声已来到门外,菲利普的研究却出现了重大突破,毫无意外,他再一次因此错过了婚礼,留未婚妻莎拉(马西娅·盖伊·哈登 Marcia Gay Harden 饰)在教堂苦苦等候,怨言满腹。菲利普看着被他称为“飞天法宝”的新发明——一种绿色的胶状物质,能够克服地心引力,只需将它涂在任何物体上,那个物体就会腾空而起。不过这种物质也有个难以捉
三个女人,三段艳遇,三个人生阶段,屌丝男开启奇幻艳遇之旅!在这样一个“爱饥渴”的时代,爱情戏的加码,奇幻特效与童趣奇妙的故事结合,让我们开始一段魔幻旅程! 《奥兹巫师》是童话《绿野仙踪》(Wizard of Oz)的前传,其剧情是:一个卖蛇油的打扮成魔法师走街串巷推销他的产品,他和一个女人偷情,结果被这个女人的丈夫发现,不得已坐上了热气球。他来到了奥兹国,成为“奥兹国的魔法师”。他还爱上了“北方好女巫”格林达(Glinda),并和她一起对抗“东方坏女巫”伊瓦诺拉(Evanora)和“西方坏女巫”
Joe Spencer, a member of a motorcycle gang, is taking a shower. After his bout with personal hygiene, Joe encounters Andy Warhol's "superstars," who engage him in conversation. The superstars crack jokes he doesn&