Hilarious slice of everyday life in Cuba. A hugely popular comedy hit in Cuba in early 2003, this is the story of Tomas (Mijail Mulkay), a trainee telephone repairman in Havana, newly employed by the phone company, constantly being confronted by the frust
In the days before "The Day of the Dead", Pachuco returns to his home town of Patzcuaro in the Mexican State of Michoacan, after thirty years. His arrival in Patzcuaro is not like the heroes welcome he had always dreamed of. His
In this adventurous experiment in storytelling, secret identities, missing persons, lost treasures, e
本片是阿根廷独立电影导演Gustavo Postiglione的“罗萨里奥三部曲”的第一部,另两部是02年的《生日》和07年的《电影》。三部影片均在导演的家乡罗萨里奥拍摄,是能表现当代阿根廷人生活的独立佳作。本片为全黑白胶片。
El Asadito (English language:) is a 2000 Argentine black and white film drama directed and written by Gustavo Postiglione. The film premiered
巴西“边缘电影”(Cinema Marginal)的早期作品,1967年巴西利亚电影节最佳摄影奖。
The story of a civil servant who lives with his elderly mother. Falling in love with a corrupt politician's young and rich daughter, he abandons himself to crazy and violent situations.
《越线》成为2008年度最值得期待的艺术影片之一。该片刚刚公映不久,至今已经摘取四项国际大奖。Linha de Passe 以乱世之都的圣保罗为背景,跟踪底层社会一家同母异父四个兄弟和单身母亲的日常生活轨迹,表现巴西现实社会的诸多问题:宗教、暴力、犯罪、种族歧视、单亲家庭... 影片讲述这个贫困的国家带给人们的无助和绝望,描述穷人不甘却无力的挣扎和求生的艰难。