This 1992 Japanese film tells the story of a scientist who sets out to create the new "super Adam and Eve", humans who cannot be controlled by their emotions. Of course, the end result it not exactly what the good doctor
A Native American grandmother who lives very simply alone in the desert actually inhabits a world that her half-Hispanic grandson and an aging white magician are surprised to rediscover.
Somewhere in the remote region, the war ends. In the midst of ruined cities and houses in the streets, in rural hamlets, everywhere where people still live, are children who have lost their homes and parents. Abandoned, hungry, and in rags, defenseless an
When a greedy Las Vegas casino owner threatens to lay off and take away pensions from his low-end staff of janitors, florists, and repairmen, they are forced to take matters into their own hands to straighten the odds.
From the stage of the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon, hosts David Tennant and Catherine Tate are joined by Benedict Cumberbatch, Judi Dench, Ian McKellen, Dame Helen Mirren, Meera Syal, David Suchet, Rufus Wainwright, Tim Minchin, Gregor