Enchanted by an evil witch, a beautiful princess is forced to speak only in nonsense phrases. One day, she finds a small frog who can understand what she says. The frog claims to really be a prince, also enchanted by an evil witch. Together they must try
In a rest home for elderly people, a daughter reads her mother's diary. Soon events that are mentioned in the mother's diary begin to happen to the daughter.
The film takes place in Calcutta, 1971. Story begins with rehabilitation official Venu (Mohanlal) coming to Calcutta in one of his regular visits to shift about 35 - 40 refugee families to Andaman Islands. The current rehabilitation plan is only those who
讲述的是Chiang-Ngern国的国王有三个孩子,Nor Munang王子,Maen Muang公主(Aump), Ming La 公主(Noon饰),邻国的Sukkawong王子(Brook饰)再一次葬礼上与Maen Muang公主一见钟情,并深深地爱上了Maen Muang公主。但Maen 因为与Sukkawong政见不同,所以很排斥他。可是的妹妹Ming La 却爱上了Sukkawong,为了能和Sukkawong在一起,哟哀求Maen Muang帮她逃婚,并威胁Sukkawong,可是最后还是没