凯蒂(金格尔·罗杰斯 Ginger Rogers 饰)是在政府部门工作的白领,秘书长温迪(丹尼斯·摩根 Dennis Morgan 饰)一直对凯蒂青睐有加,当他得知凯蒂的梦想是开一家杂志社后,他慷慨的倾囊相助,可惜的是,凯蒂的杂志社经营了没多久就倒闭了。之后,凯蒂只得灰头土脸的前往纽约,在那里寻找新的际遇。
很快,凯蒂就在一家书店找到了工作,并且结识了常来光顾书店的博士马克(詹姆斯·克雷格 James Craig 饰),聪明伶俐的凯蒂很快就收获了马克的好感,就在这个节骨眼上,温迪竟然出现在了凯蒂的面前。温
风光秀丽,细腰丰胸,委内瑞拉亚马逊河流域的奥里诺科河上响彻着欢快热情的歌声。美国大使阿诺德·里吉斯与委内瑞拉外交部长瑟吉奥·科多巴正在进行政治磋商,但是好景不长,他们突然遭到食人鱼群的袭击。血雨腥风,无人生还。不久大使遇害的消息传到美国,国务卿鲍勃·格莱迪(贝瑞·威廉姆斯 Barry Williams 饰)立刻派出特种兵杰森·菲奇(保罗·罗根 Paul Logan 饰)前往调查。
与此同时,来自洛杉矶的基因学教授莎拉·梦露(Tiffany 饰)与同伴们正在对奥里诺科河里的生物进行检测,他们发现,实验用的食
A Jew seeks political power in order that he may use it to benefit the status of Jewry in an anti-Semitic order of society.
1930s British cinema's ability to make films that dealt with Europe's rising tide of fascism was hindered
When a woman is found in a cage brutally murdered, Karppi and Nurmi focus on learning everything they can about the victim - and her troubled son.by:yuankan.cc
Sherlock Holmes (1932) is a film starring Clive Brook as the eponymous London detective. The movie is based on the successful stage play by William Gillette, in turn based on the stories by Arthur Conan Doyle, and is directed by William K. Howard for the
The film tells futurist, architect, and inventor R. Buckminster Fuller's incredible story through two teens hoping to get laid, become punk gods, and survive high school.
杰克(迈克尔·基顿 Michael Keaton 饰)是一位功成名就的音乐家,在事业上取得了硕大的成功,这也就意味着,他牺牲了大部分陪伴家人的时间,杰克的儿子查理(约瑟夫·克罗斯 Joseph Cross 饰)对此一直感到闷闷不乐。某日,杰克回到家,和查理一起堆了一个大雪人,杰克送给查理一只口琴,父子之间许下承诺。