Abandoned by his father at the age of five and raised in near isolation by a loving, yet emotionally unstable and over-protective mother, the only life Peel Munter has ever known is within the confines of his childhood home. Upon his mother's
Buffy 的电视系列源於一套同名但失败的电影,导演是 Fran Rubel Kuzui,而剧本则由多番修正的 Joss Whedon 负责所写。当 Joss Whedon 在写出成功的 Toy Story 剧本之後,他立即把握机会将 Buffy 放在电视上重生。
在电影中,故事原本的既念是 "一个邻家女孩摇身一变成为一个对抗妖魔的救世者"。但到了电视剧集中,整个故事则变成了有趣诙谐,再加上 Buffy 身边所发生及遇到的悬疑事件而成。那麼,在这个剧集中
О трагическом поражении народного восстания под предводительством молодого джигита Ахтама и юной красавицы Маимхан. События развиваются в начале освободительной борьбы уйгурского народа против маньчжуро-китайских поработителей. Середина XIX века.
A man returns every year to visit his estranged family and friends in this drama dripping with biting social commentary. His 40-year-old buddies are part of the nouveau riche who consider themselves elite and are content to sandbag it at work. Teutonic se
Crumb is the only one in the family who believes in Santa Claus. Everyone else thinks he's just being childish and they are all too busy with other things to enjoy the Christmas prelude. But Santa needs Crumb. Santa has given his Christmas Bo