Jake Cornell devoted his life to running the Seattle basketball team he inherited from his father, but his neglected marriage broke down and now his kids Barton and Alexandra side with mother Frances, who is determined to sell the ailing club. Jake can&am
A man finds out from a would be killer that his wife has paid $10,000 to have him killed. But is this mysterious man telling the truth? When both the killer and the wife turn up dead, everyone is a suspect, and the investigation takes an unexpected turn
由于受美国亚利桑那州一直流传着的一种阴暗的因果报应观点的影响,有的人渐渐就会变得心术不正,这种影响就如同难以控制的病毒一般产生大范围的恶性影响。 Wilson (Academy Award Nominee Robert Forster)在亚利桑那州一直生活了21年,他脑中只有一个想法,那就是能够抓住职业罪犯Mackey Willis (Academy Award Nominee Robert Loggia)给自己赢得荣誉。出于自己不良的动机,Wilson在暗地为Mackey的完美犯罪的实行铺平了道路。在一