故事紧接上一季结尾:夏威夷州长遭谋杀后,Steve McGarrett成了头号嫌疑人,被临时羁押在监狱里等候出庭受审。Danny突然带着能够洗清他罪名的证据前来探监。与此同时,Kono遭到停职检查的处分,内务调查部派人对她展开全面调查。Terry O'Quinn在本集中扮演McGarrett在海豹突击队受训时的指挥官Joe White;Richard T. Jones扮演新任夏威夷州长Sam Denning;William Sadler再次扮演McGarrett的父亲John M
An altercation between a group of girls out for the night and a gang of local punks leaves the punks vowing revenge. It comes in the form of the gang-rape of a young mute (Heather) and her older sister (Brenda) starts hunting the gang in turn - armed with