美貌的小镇教师斯黛拉(伊丽莎白·班克斯 Elizabeth Banks 饰)在母亲过世后得到当地富豪格兰特(迈克尔·鲁克 Michael Rooker 饰)的多方照顾,嫁给他后尽管诸多不满,却依然努力成为一个合格的妻子。有次二人吵架后格兰特愤而出走,被神秘的外星生物侵入体内,第二日清早回家性情大变。于此同时,小镇的宠物狗开始神秘失踪,曾与格兰特在酒吧一同饮酒的女孩布兰达(布兰达·詹姆斯 Brenda James 饰)也不见了踪影。在发现了格兰特开始腐烂变异的脸后,惊恐的斯黛拉求助于小镇警长比尔和众警员(内
Three showgirls on their way to Las Vegas have car trouble and are stuck all night out in the desert. The next morning cheerful Andre offers them help in fixing their car. However, Andre is really a maniac with a lot of family problems; his mother ran out