Tough drama looks at the plight of a young L.A. prostitute, who shoots heroin to get through the day, sells sex just to survive, and eats roadkill sometimes when there isn't anything else available. Into this futile existence is thrown a psyc
狂野西部,臭名昭著的葛雷洛·迪拉库兹(丹尼·特乔 Danny Trejo 饰)率领心狠手辣的黑水帮劫持法场,救出了险些被处以绞刑的同母异父弟弟红龙卡文纳(迈克尔·C·豪尔 Michael C. Hall 饰)。事后卡文纳怂恿有意金盆洗手的老哥,前往位于科罗拉多的伊甸谷抢劫藏在银行金库中的金子。黑水帮在小镇大开杀戒,谁知关键时刻葛雷洛遭到卡文纳背叛,被手下们乱枪打死。
葛雷洛死后堕入地狱,见到了经常在梦中困扰他的魔鬼路西法(米基·洛克 Mickey Rourke 饰)。他与魔鬼交易,承诺将在24小时内带来六