Twenty years ago, old Mrs. Barlow was killed in her home at 12, Pimlico Square for her priceless rubies. The murderer searched the whole house without finding them, then disappeared. The house has been empty since then, but now Paul and Bella Mallen move
A power struggle ensues after the death of media magnate Amos Kyne, whose corporation has been turned over to his sole heir, his foppish son Walter. Rather than run the company himself, Walter decides to let the heads of its three divisions fight it out f
二战时期,一批美国战俘被关押在德军的监狱里,故事就发生在17号监狱(Stalag 17)。有两名囚犯想要越狱,却被德军所杀,监狱里的囚犯们开始怀疑他们其中有人出卖了他们。大家都把嫌疑集中在一个人身上——狡猾的Sefton(威廉·霍尔登 William Holden 饰)身上。Sefton虽然也是个囚犯,但他靠组织“赛马”、卖酒还有出租望远镜赚了不少钱。不久,一位美国中尉Dunbar(Don Taylor 饰)被抓进狱中。他在法兰克福火车站制造了爆炸案炸死了不少德军。然而此事随即被德军军官Oberst vo
英俊帅气的约翰尼·依斯咖斯(加里·格兰特 Cary Grant)在火车上邂逅羞涩美丽的女孩丽娜·艾美斯莱德劳(琼·芳登 Joan Fontaine饰)。单纯善良的丽娜很快就被这位外表充满魅力的男人所吸引,却不知道约翰尼实际上是一位嗜赌如命的瘾君子。当得知丽娜是一位拥有大量财富的千金小姐后,约翰尼更是使尽浑身解数去追求她。很快,两人结婚。然而就在两人的蜜月期间,丽娜发现了约翰尼很多可疑之处,她开始害怕丈夫为谋取财产而杀害她。面对居心叵测的约翰尼,终日惴惴不安的丽娜害怕自己就是下一个受害者。