伊万斯(路易·德·菲奈斯 Louis de Funès 饰)是舞蹈团的负责人,他为人尖酸刻薄而且好胜心特别的强,在他的领导下,舞蹈团团员们的日子过得苦不堪言。舞蹈团里除了伊万斯和他的侄子菲利普(奥利维亚·德·福内斯 Olivier De Funès 饰)外,其余的都是姑娘,伊万斯对她们不仅没有丝毫的怜香惜玉之心,每天都安排了满满当当的训练课程,而且他还禁止姑娘们和任何男人来往,恋爱或是结婚更是想都不要想的事情。
弗朗西斯(诺尔勒·亚当 Noëlle Adam 饰)是舞蹈团的领队,当她打算在晚上偷偷溜出去和
A car, following the Tour de France. Children screaming in front of the puppet show. Women, often prostitutes, trying to scream as they are being strangled. Then he will meet Claire, the virgin who will give herself to him, and perhaps deliver him from hi
黑白密室偵探片,十個角色,一女九男,其中一個是兇手。「過去我沒聽說過這戲,為了拍《8美千嬌》,我看了一遍,令我獲益良多,對那年代的美國電影瞭解得更清楚。」(奧桑)《Marie-Octobre》很寫實,是齣沉重的電影,拍得一板一眼。奧桑往相反方向走 - 輕鬆、非寫實、七彩、諷刺(人物互相指控而來)。 同類克里斯蒂式偵探片,奧桑較喜歡佳咸美頓(Guy Hamilton:《破鏡奇案》(The Mirror Crack'd),《午日奇屍》(Evil under the Sun),還有Sy
大概是法国第一部描写女同志的故事片吧。 Olivia is a 1951 French film directed by Jacqueline Audry. It is based on the 1950 semi-autobiographical novel by Dorothy Bussy. It has been called a &am