Middle-aged banker Arthur Hamilton is given the opportunity to start a completely new life when he receives calls from his old friend Charlie. The only problem is that Charlie is supposed to be dead. Hamilton is eventually introduced to a firm that will f
腰缠万贯的法国富豪阿兰(费尔南多·雷依 Fernando Rey 饰)手上运作着全球最大的海洛因走私网,警方多番追踪仍无法将其落网,卧底警察也被残忍杀害。而在另一头的纽约城,侦探道尔(吉恩·哈克曼 Gene Hackman 饰)和鲁索(罗伊·施奈德 Roy Scheider 饰)还在酒吧中与当地贩毒分子交锋,浑然不知阿兰正在计划将一笔3200万美元的海洛因走私入美国。然而没过多久,在一次跟踪行动中,道尔和鲁索很快发现了可疑人物与贩毒网之间的关系,一场与贩毒团伙斗智斗勇的险恶持久战就此拉开。道尔和鲁索这对互
Musical dancer on the way out (at 36) Paula McFadden had it swell with actor Tony DeSanti, but instead of taking her to Hollywood he gets a European movie part. He even sublets their (his) New York apartment to Elliot Garfield, who generously lets her sta
Two Chicago lawyers from vastly different backgrounds who develop a partnership after they unexpectedly meet in court on the worst day of their lives, forcing each other to find the balance between the ethical and the unscrupulous in both their profession
布兰奇(杰西卡·兰格 Jessica Lange 饰)离开了老家,进城投靠在那里和丈夫一起生活的妹妹史黛拉(黛安·莲恩 Diane Lane 饰)。对于姐姐的到来,史黛拉展现出了十足的热情,可是她的丈夫斯坦利(亚历克·鲍德温 Alec Baldwin 饰)却始终看不惯布兰奇奔放不羁的行为作风,担心她会带坏自己的妻子。
实际上,布兰奇正是因为行为不检点而被赶出了小镇的。在妹妹家里,布兰奇邂逅了名为霍华德(约翰·古德曼 John Goodman 饰)的男子,两人很快就走到了一起,决定携手步入婚姻的殿堂。就在这
罗拉(拉娜·特纳 Lana Turner 饰)和苏西(桑德拉·狄 Sandra Dee 饰)是一对相依为命的母女。在工作中,罗拉是一位女强人,总是将她的大部分时间都投入到繁忙的职务中,生活里自然而然少了很多对于女儿的关注,久而久之,母女之间的隔阂越来越深。这感情的裂痕在她们都爱上了同一个男人之后,最终导致了悲剧。
安妮(朱安妮塔·摩尔 Juanita Moore 饰)是一名黑人女子,而她的女儿莎拉(苏珊·柯娜 Susan Kohner 饰)则是混血,莎拉一直以母亲的肤色为耻,这不断的伤害着安妮的感情。然而