In August 1914, amidst the public ecstasy surrounding the impending war, Hans Gastl, the seventeen year-old son of a Munich bürger, makes a decision: he will not take part in this war. This resolution signifies a turning point in his life; a farewell to h
吉尔伯特(米歇尔·皮寇利 Michel Piccoli 饰)是一位备受赞誉的戏剧演员,他的表演天赋和漫长的演艺生涯使他屡次获得重要角色。然而,他的成功背后隐藏着一场悲剧。一天晚上,吉尔伯特在一场演出结束后,他的经纪人也是多年的好友乔治(安托万·夏佩 Antoine Chappey 饰)给他带来了一则令人痛苦的消息。吉尔伯特的妻子、女儿和女婿在一场交通事故中不幸身亡。这个消息无疑是一个巨大的打击,将他从光芒四射的舞台世界拉回到无尽的悲伤之中。
After a failed robbery, a gang of 3 noble thieves: Zuza, Kinga and Alicja hides in a quiet nursing home. While the police are on their heels, the gang continues their activities at the center, giving its elderly residents a second youth.
David studies Natural Sciences at the University of Pisa and is about to pass his final exam. He plans to move to the United States to have further education there. But then he gets a flyer from a girl. It's Viola, who he met three years ago
When Lauren disappears from a night club and doesn’t return home the next morning, her mother, Michelle, to avoid publicity and a scandal, decides to search for her missing daughter. Michelle soon discovers that her daughter might have been part of a porn
西哈诺(杰拉尔•德帕迪约 Gérard Depardieu 饰)生性狂野不羁,心地善良,他默默地爱慕着表妹罗克珊(安妮•波诺什 Anne Brochet 饰),但是他生来长着一个丑陋的大鼻子,纵使自己才华横溢,也不敢对表妹表明心迹。一天晚上他狠狠地嘲讽并且击败一个富家子之后,罗克珊约他次日见面。西哈诺写好情书后准备表明情愫之时,罗克珊却告诉他自己爱上了英俊的新兵克里斯蒂(文森特•佩雷斯 Vincent Perez 饰),并嘱咐在同一兵队的西哈诺保护他。克里斯蒂也喜欢着罗克珊,西哈诺便将自己对罗克珊的爱慕付