这个故事发生在1900年的澳大利亚。主角马修(汤姆·塞立克 Tom Selleck 饰)是一位神枪手,为了应征一则神枪手的广告,他跋涉了三个月来到澳大利亚。在途中,他无意中解救了一位名叫考娜(劳拉·桑·吉亚科莫 Laura San Giacomo 饰)的姑娘,她误认为马修是她的男友。他们一起来到了马斯顿农场,却发现农场主马斯顿(艾伦·里克曼 Alan Rickman 饰)雇佣他是为了让他射杀当地的土著人。
In 1990s Scotland, a group of Catholic school girls get an opportunity to go into Edinburgh for a choir competition, but they're more interested in drinking, partying and hooking up than winning the competition.
Inspired by a shocking story from the Windrush Scandal. After 50 years in the UK, Anthony McKay-Williams is wrongfully detained by the Home Office and threatened with deportation.