In this wicked animated comedy, Mel Wax (Michael McKean) is the head of a dysfunctional Hollywood indie movie studio. In the land where a studio chief is only as good as his last big flop, Wax struggles to reign in out-of-control, pill-popping Swedish dir
游乐园工作的雷(克里斯•奥多德 Chris O’Dowd 饰)沉迷于时间旅行,在工作中因吓坏小游客而被解雇。朋友皮特(迪恩•里浓斯•凯利 Dean Lennox Kelly 饰)和业余作家托比(马克•伍顿 Marc Wootton 饰)在“恐龙汉堡店”扮恐龙打工,毫无前途。三人晚上来到酒吧打发时光,雷突然遇到一位叫凯西的美女(安娜•法瑞丝 Anna Faris 饰)。凯西自称来自未来,是专门负责寻找时间漏洞的技术员,她来此是拜访名人,因为雷在未来将是“伟大的雷”,并著有《时间旅行手册》。皮特和托比不相信雷