Based on a true incident, Innocent, also known as Helix, is the compelling tale of five disparate lives that become inextricably entangled one cold Chicago morning. Told in real-time, Helix is America's first action crime drama ever to be sho
屡获殊荣的《大西洋帝国》(Boardwalk Empire)第三季将于北京时间9月17日播出,本季为12集。
《大西洋帝国》再现了美国禁酒令时期(1920-1933年)大西洋城这个海滨小城阴暗面的生存状况。《大西洋帝国》的编剧是《黑道家族》的编剧特伦斯·温特,该剧根据作家Nelson Johnson的原著《海滨帝国:大西洋城的诞生,鼎盛以及堕落》(Boardwalk Empire:The Birth, High Times and Corruption of Atlantic City)改编。
January, 1942. The Japanese war machine thunders across South East Asia. In its path,on the island of New Britain, lies a tiny Catholic