О трагическом поражении народного восстания под предводительством молодого джигита Ахтама и юной красавицы Маимхан. События развиваются в начале освободительной борьбы уйгурского народа против маньчжуро-китайских поработителей. Середина XIX века.
Four young people come to Mallorca to enjoy idyllic summer holidays, but delving into the most inhospitable places on the island will begin a hellish journey.
At 2 Ela lost her ability of seeing and hearing because of a severe illness. And then she became a total disappointment of her family due to her untamed behaviors. But everything changed after an unorthodox teacher stepped into their lives to educate Ela
70% of indigenous population of Kazakhstan died during the Great Famine, artificially imposed on people in the 1920s by the Bolsheviks. Overcoming blind fear of death and despair, an eagle hunter Turar tries to save his family.
相逢何必曾相识,两个本来各不相干的靓仔男妓 Meni 和 Tal,因为想玩 3P 的客人而相遇。 怎料客人原来不想实战,宁愿付钱看 Meni 和 Tal 做爱。假戏真做的一场交易,让他们找到久违的温暖,彼此更意外地互相吸引,戏假情真。 突如其来的爱感觉,足以杀他们一个措手不及。谈情说爱从来不易,Meni 和 Tal 情路茫茫之际,还得面对现实生活中的种种考验。以色列新进导演 Yair Hochner 首执导筒之作,既狂放又温柔,描绘男妓间的纯爱份外细腻人,向同志片经典《不羁的天空》致敬。