Sole is the first film by the great Alessandro Blasetti and bears a complex relationship to the reclamation of the Pontine Marshes, a seminal event in Fascist political history. Sole is also an important document in Italian film history. Its use of non-pr
乔治(杰姆斯·鲍弗 James Purefoy 饰)和父亲(保罗·弗里曼 Paul Freeman 饰)过着相依为命的日子,他们有几头牛,有几亩田,总的来说生活得非常平静。实际上,乔治的父亲在年轻时曾经有过一段传奇的经历,他曾经差一点就要杀死一条龙了,但最终,老头在千钧一发之际惨败,虽然将长矛深深的扎进了龙的身体里,可他的双腿亦被龙啃噬殆尽。
汤尼(雷·米兰德 Ray Milland饰)和玛戈(格蕾丝·凯利 Grace Kelly 饰)是貌合神离的一对夫妻。汤尼常常为了他的事业和爱好,把娇妻忘在一边,二人感情亮出红灯。而生活寂寥的玛戈和作家马克不可避免的擦出爱之火花,他们约会、通信,不料竟被汤尼发现。汤尼没有 声张,只是写了一封匿名信给妻子以示警告。然而现在马克竟然造访家中,为了一雪耻辱,加之图谋得到妻子玛戈的丰厚财产,汤尼暗生毒计。 汤尼向旧时同学列斯开出了一千英镑的价钱,让其参与他布下的一整套严密杀人计划。这套计划有设计精妙的凶手不在场证据
After an unpleasant run-in with a group of bikers, a young convenience store robber (Marc) gets approached by the same bikers to help out with a picnic. After the picnic, seeing he has guts, the bikers propose him for membership. As the story unfolds, Mar