分属善恶两个截然对立的阵营,天使亚茨拉斐尔(麦克·辛 Michael Sheen 饰)却和恶魔克劳利(大卫·田纳特 David Tennant 饰)在长达六千年的相处过程中培养出超凡寻常的默契和友情,两人各自在职责范围内左右着人间世界的发展走向,相互补位,默契十足。自从成功阻挠末世之战后,亚茨拉斐尔与克劳利短暂过上了一段安宁舒适的生活。可是这一天,一名不速之客闯入亚茨拉斐尔的书店,宣告着新的危机的产生。来者正是大天使加百列(乔恩·哈姆 Jon Hamm 饰),只不过他似乎忘记了自己的身份以及来到人间的目的
In search of a new energy source, Russia accidentally reawakens the Kolossus - a giant robot doomsday device from the Cold War. At the same time, a new Mega Shark appears, threatening global security.
Psychiatrist Dr. Ulrich Metz attempts to drive Daniel Brown to suicide.
Comfortable, amiable Daniel Boone Brown, a resident of New York's waterfront, becomes the victim of a mad scientist's psychological yuankan.cc experiments. F