The series tells the story of an extended family and four young people who are drawn into the world of ska and two-tone music, which exploded from the grassroots of Coventry and Birmingham in the late 70s and early 80s, uniting black, white, and Asian you
A young father takes his nine year old son, the family dog, and two of his son's friends backpacking in the mountains of Colorado only for all five of them to be struck by lightning.
艾帕尔(索菲亚·卡森 Sofia Carson 饰)是一名才华横溢的舞蹈演员,但她也有着所有天才都有的通病,那就是太过于以自我为中心了。因此,艾帕尔被百老汇逐出门外,无奈之下,她只得回到了阔别已久的位于威斯康辛州的老家,回到了父亲弗兰克(恩里克·柯兰托尼 Enrico Colantoni 饰)身边。
灰头土脸回家的艾帕尔只想一个人躲起来,谁也不想见,包括自己的初恋尼克(沃尔夫冈·诺沃格拉茨 Wolfgang Novogratz 饰)。曾经的舞蹈老师芭比(唐娜·琳·钱普林 Donna Lynne Champ
该剧基于公共记录和Egil “Bud” Krogh、Matthew Krogh合著的《Integrity》一书创作。
故事讲述总统Richard Nixon自己的政治打手、“水门事件”主谋E. Howard Hunt(伍迪·哈里森 饰)和G. Gordon Liddy(贾斯汀·塞洛克斯 饰)如何意外推翻了他们本想竭力保护的总统职位。
Nixon有一支团队“水管工/ White House Plumbers”,专门为他收集政敌情报、抹黑对手、阻止内部人士爆料等,E. Howard Hunt和G. Gordo