Lady Mary Lasenby is a spoiled maiden who always gets her way until shipwrecked with her butler, then learns which qualities are really admirable in a person.
这是一个讲述亲情和奋斗的故事,窘困的父亲为了养活家人而被迫偷盗,导致自尊心极强的儿子离家出走。影片对家庭关系,贫富分化都有细致的描述。电影是由 William H. Armstrong的同名小说改编拍摄而成,讲述了30年代一个美国黑人家庭的种种经历。故事则是关于一个男孩的信念、努力和坚毅的决心,主角是美国一个黑人佃农家庭的11岁少年.当时是一个经济萧条的年代,这个家庭的生计也面临艰难的考验,只有忠心的义犬 Sounder 依然守在一家人的身旁。佃农父亲为了让一家人能够维持温饱,不得已之下偷了别人的食物,但
Sergeant Voight tries to find out who is behind the murder of Jin, and come up with the unbelievable discovery and learned that Sergeant Edwin Stillwell playing a double game with the intention of getting out on the surface of the big fish along with Voig