A young father takes his nine year old son, the family dog, and two of his son's friends backpacking in the mountains of Colorado only for all five of them to be struck by lightning.
Baseball player Micah Matthias and his young son Bobby are fleeing a brutal media following the traumatic and unsolved murder of their wife and mother. They end up in the quaint Amish community of Sugarcreek, Ohio under a set of aliases and with a broken-
汉克(小罗伯特·唐尼 Robert Downey Jr. 饰)是一名经验丰富的律师,专门帮有钱人收拾他们惹出的烂摊子,在汉克的眼里,没有所谓的正义,有的只是永恒的利益。母亲的意外去世让汉克不得不回到了印第安纳老家,那里是他的故乡,却有着他最不愿意回忆起的往事。
在老家,汉克见到了久违的父亲约瑟夫(罗伯特·杜瓦尔 Robert Duvall 饰),一位当了一辈子地方法官的固执老人,父子两人之间紧张的关系并没有因为岁月的变迁而发生任何改变。让一心想要离开的汉克没有想到的是,一场交通事故让约瑟夫卷进了一宗案情复