Sinbad, armed with rumors of ancient gold, finds himself sneaking into the desert camp of the evil sorcerer Al-Jibar. Hidden among the many relics is an ivory scroll case containing the logs of the pirate Captain Minos, which will lead Sinbad to the golde
在寒冷的冰雪中,单身汉拉斯(瑞恩•高斯林 Ryan Gosling 饰)感到有些孤寂而无聊。他是一个典型的宅男,性格自闭,无友无伴。他的哥哥格斯(保罗•施耐德 Paul Schneider 饰)和嫂子(艾米莉•莫迪默 Emily Mortimer 饰)住在隔壁,见此情景也觉得辛酸。嫂子见他整天宅在家中,于是邀请他前来吃饭,但是兄嫂的嘘寒问暖仍无济于事。某天,拉斯居然从玩具公司定制了一个充气娃娃比安卡,并带她参加家庭聚会,一起吃饭,一起入眠,一起去教堂礼拜。周围的人都觉得拉斯的精神不正常,兄嫂为此专门咨询了