Taylor is forced to hide the young daughter of a woman in witness protection who will be testifying against a powerful Colombian drug cartel in Federal Court, as two ruthless sicarios aim to hunt them down.
A man (Robert Walker) has an affair with his condemned brother's (Laurence Harvey) girlfriend (Sarah Miles) while plotting his escape in Tangier.
洛杉矶的飞机制造厂里,突然发生了一场火灾,工人伯金(Robert Cummings 饰)和朋友简奋勇救火,但简不幸葬身火海,事后调查发现伯金递给简的灭火器中装满了电油,于是警方将伯金定为重大嫌疑人,展开搜捕。获悉这一情况的伯金回忆后发现,灭火器实际出自一名叫做弗莱的工人之手,但警方并未给伯金说明的机会,危急时刻,伯金奋力逃出,追寻弗莱的去向为自己洗脱罪名。在弗莱工作过的农场,伯金发现农场主杜宾居然也跟此事有牵连,于是匆忙逃跑。亡命路途上,铂金结识了广告模特佩蒂(Priscilla Lane 饰),铂金用诚
Bret Harte's story of Salomy Jane, a California mountain girl who is sought after by a number of men in the nearby small town of Redwood City. She is affected when two criminals are pursued by authorities: one for killing a hypocritical mayor
The young Marie, daughter of a Thuringian glassblower, violates all traditions after the death of mother and father. To feed herself and her sisters, she became the first female glassblower in the small town of Lauscha in 1890, and her artful glassy Chris
故事发生在十八世纪的英国,伯鲁格(罗伯特·卡莱尔 Robert Carlyle 饰)一直以来都非常渴望能够前往美国开启新的生活,于是决定靠着偷抢拐骗来弄到第一桶金。一次偶然中,伯鲁格结识了名叫麦格里安(约翰·李·米勒 Jonny Lee Miller 饰)的男子,麦格里安仪表堂堂,让就算是第一次见到他的人,也对他充满了信任,于是伯鲁格决定利用这一巨大优势,两人一起行动。
很快,这对疯狂的强盗就在整个英国臭名昭著,贵族首领们无不想要将他们捉拿归案。一天,一个名为丽兹(内芙·麦克因托什 Neve McInto