十七世纪的路易十四时代,在肮脏混乱小镇上的少女玛奇丝(苏菲•玛索 Sophie Marceau 饰)以一曲美丽的舞蹈打动了来此演出的莫里哀剧团,玛奇丝跟着剧团来到了巴黎,开始做起了绝世名伶的美梦。然而演员路并不像她想象的顺利,她大多时候只能出演木讷愚蠢的哑人,并且要靠出卖身体的代价来换取演出的机会。诗人拉辛(兰伯特•威尔逊 Lambert Wilson 饰)与宫廷贵族在看戏时看中了玛奇丝,她因此获得了去为路易十四国王表演的机会。并由此与拉辛相识,两人逐渐产生了感情。玛奇丝开始在剧团和拉辛之间徘徊不断,最终
A Man lives in his car. He is 40 years old and although he does not have a lot of free time, when he does, he chooses to spend it with his family. He meets his wife and two children at a specified day and time in car parking lots. His job is to locate and
丧尸病毒爆发已经五年了,人们渐渐觉得丧尸的威胁开始减弱。R-Division部队里的男人和女人们,发现了丧尸病毒二次爆发的迹象。如果这种情况真的发生,那么人类可能面临无法生存的境地。Because this project is categorized as being in production, the data is subject to change; some data could be removed completely.