20世纪50年代,“21点大满贯”是美国最叫座的电视益智游戏节目,成千上万的观众被它吸引。常胜冠军赫伯·斯坦普尔(约翰·特托罗 John Turturro饰)已经连续多次夺魁,但是电视台老板觉得他已经失去了新鲜感,下令节目制片人丹·恩莱特(大卫·佩默 David Paymer饰)寻找新人顶替。哥伦比亚大学优等生查尔斯·范·多伦(拉尔夫·费因斯 Ralph Fiennes饰)被丹相中,而查尔斯顺理成章地成为新一届的卫冕者。当观众们都被他博学多闻的机智回答所迷倒时,国会议员迪克·古德温(罗伯·莫洛 Rob M
新泽西少年丹尼尔(Ralph Macchio 饰)随母亲一起搬到了加利福尼亚的公寓中,母亲面对新生活踌躇满志,少年天性的丹尼尔也很快爱上了加利福尼亚温暖的沙滩,在那里,丹尼尔遇到了金发小美女艾丽(伊丽莎白·苏 Elisabeth Shue 饰)。想要接近艾丽的丹尼尔被姑娘的前男友强尼用空手道狠狠的教训,同样对空手道颇有兴趣的丹尼尔自尊受伤,但是仍未放弃和艾丽的交往,这激起了强尼和一干朋友们对丹尼尔长期的欺侮。万圣节舞会之夜,丹尼尔再次被强尼等人追打,丹尼尔居住的公寓中的维修工宫城(森田则之 Pat Mor
A young mute woman, living in a small village, is expecting a baby. Her husband is at the same time writing a novel and using the villagers as his characters. In the creative process, reality and imagination are constantly intertwined.
The Soundtrack of a life. Cris ( Selton Mello) , a young artist still trying to find his place on the tough world of arts, gets from Brazilian Government special permit to stay a month in an isolated international research station surrounded by nothing bu